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VCM-47 Maschinenschraubstock

Info sui prodotti "VCM-47 Maschinenschraubstock"

Vertex VCM-47 Convenient Type Machine Vise Moveable jaw located at outer end and align surface for workpiece is in front of operator.
It is convenient for loading or unloading workpiece on such design of vise.
The overall length of this vise is shorter than other similar vises, but keep the more jaw opening.
Save space on work table.
Extra opened
Semi-spherical segment eliminates jaw lifting and workpiece tilting.
Time & energy saving
Width 100 mm opened 180 mm.

Technical Data
- A: 108mm
- B: 98mm
- C open: 180mm
- D: 36mm
- E: 62mm
- F: 420mm
- L: 470mm
- Max. clamp force: 450kg
- Weight: 17,7kg