DIN862 Error Limits of Calipers
The determination of the measuring accuracy, also known as the error limits, of a caliper is carried out according to the specifications of DIN 862.
It is important to note that the measuring accuracy should not be confused with the reading accuracy, the vernier value or the digit step value of the digital display. The measuring accuracy is always less than or equal to the reading accuracy. In addition to the reading accuracy, the measuring accuracy also depends on the length of the measurement. The larger the measuring range, the greater the permissible deviations.
The DIN 862 standard is only valid for calipers of the standard designs defined in the standard. For special calipers, the manufacturers define their own error limits. The same applies to digital calipers with a measuring range of 1000 mm. However, tolerances that apply to calipers with a vernier value of 0.02 mm are generally used here.

DIN 862 is a standard from the Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (German Institute for Standardisation) that specifies technical requirements for measuring tools such as vernier calipers and scale readings.
It defines features such as the dimensions, accuracy requirements, test conditions and test methods that a caliper must fulfil in order to meet the requirements of the standard. This includes, for example, external and internal measurements as well as depth measurements.
DIN 862 is specifically relevant to calipers that offer an accuracy of up to 0.05 mm or 1/128 inch and have a measuring span of up to 1000 mm or 40 inches.
The standard ensures that calipers used in industry and trade, regardless of manufacturer, provide reliable and consistent measurements and meet defined minimum standards.
As with all standards, the provisions of DIN 862 are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect technological developments and new industry standards. Therefore, you should always ensure that you have access to the latest version of the standard.